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Ghost Drive SDK optimized for secure data management, utilizing client-side encryption and a local mnemonic to enhance data security without exposing sensitive information to Ghostdrive servers.

Installation and Configuration Procedures:

  1. Mnemonic Configuration: Ensure that the mnemonic associated with your Ghostdrive account. This mnemonic is pivotal for encryption processes and secure access.

  2. Creation and Attachment of a New Mnemonic: You can utilize mnemonic from your current crypto wallet or you can create new wallet and attach address on your GhostDrive account page.

  3. Key and Secret Acquisition: Navigate to the GhostDrive developers portal to secure your unique key and secret.

  4. GD CLI Tools Installation: Commence the installation process of the GD CLI Tools using command below.

// install
npm install -g @ghost-drive/gd-cli

// Provide your key, secret, and wallet mnemonic. 
gd configure

actor User

package "GD CLI Tools" {
  component CLI #LightGreen
  component Authentication #LightGreen
  component "Keys management" #LightGreen
  component "s3-alike daemon" #LightBlue

component backend {

component GDGateway {

Authentication ..> backend : <<uses>>
"Keys management" ..> backend : <<uses>>
CLI ..> GDGateway : <<uses>>
CLI ..> Authentication : <<uses>>
CLI ..> "Keys management" : <<uses>>
"s3-alike daemon" ..> "Keys management" : <<uses>>
"s3-alike daemon" ..> Authentication : <<uses>>
"s3-alike daemon" ..> GDGateway : <<uses>>

User --> CLI
User --> "s3-alike daemon"

Last updated