
Now available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Mobile App 1.08 (4 Jun, 2024)

beta 2.0.17 (28.11.23)

  • Fixed email validation errors when sharing the encryption file in Multisig

  • Fixed preview for some file extensions

  • Fixed password validation in profile settings

  • Fixed the issue when sharing files for member or guest

  • Fixed the error when sharing a file by email

  • Update encryption popup. Dependence on token availability

  • Fixed the crash, when registering Web 2 user

  • Clear file color when user chooses 'empty' color

  • Fixed the crash, when generating an AI image

  • Fixed: workspace owner does not have a public address

  • Fixed an error when uploading a file to a folder

  • Fixed an error when opening notification

  • Improvement: add custom color to the sidebar and color filter

  • Sharing by email with Multisig feature activated

  • Fixed the crash of a Logs page

  • Fixed: the file may be distributed via email without the permission of the Multisig members

  • Fixed: bug report is not sent

  • Update. Display encrypted file in a list view mode

  • Fixed: after the user logs in to the Metamask, he does not have a choice between files

beta 2.0.16 (20.11.23)

  • Fixed: error when inviting a member that is a Guest in Workspace

  • Improvement: display .TXT Files in Content Preview

  • Fixed: Metamask is activated when invited via email

  • Fixed: "Invalid contract address" when signing an action by the member

  • Fixed: incorrect action status for Multisig action on notification

  • Fixed: WMV file is uploaded with an empty mime type

  • Fixed password display issues on the profile settings page

  • Fixed: user can send two TIMES requests for an encryption

  • Fixed: the Deleted files are not retrieved if there is a shared file among them

  • Fixed: Incorrect modal when marking a file as a favorites on the Shared page

  • Fixed: video is not displayed when switching in the preview window

  • Fixed: the file is not encrypted when uploading via drag&drop if the modal is not shown

  • Change media upload in bug report form

beta 2.0.15 (13.11.23)

  • Fixed: issue with the chunk uploading

  • Fixed: issue with the MIME type when uploading an .avi file via drag-and-drop

  • The information regarding storage displayed to guests has been corrected, and this information is no longer visible

  • Fixed: the public link for the folder is opened in Workspace for an authorized user

  • Fixed: error on the files list after canceling a guest invitation

  • Fixed the context menu display issue for the sharing page

  • Fixed: web 2.0 user cannot upload files without connecting to MetaMask

  • Fixed password display issues on the profile settings page

  • Improvement: add a dropdown menu with folder actions to breadcrumbs

  • Fixed the issue when user attach a new wallet to account

  • Fixed: pagination overrides the file name in a PDF preview mode

beta 2.0.14 (07.11.23)

  • Fixed: file not encrypted when it suppose to be encrypted

  • An alert window was added when the upload process was interrupted

  • Fixed: errors when accessing IPFS

  • Fixed: unregistered user is unable to join a workspace as a guest

  • Fixed: The user cannot upload encrypted file

  • Fixed: empty error message when registering with email that is already taken

  • Remove the password hint on the login page via a link

  • Fixed the "Upgrade" button on the "Upgrade WorkSpace" page

  • Fixed: wrong mime type file when uploading in different ways

  • Fixed: error when clearing all files from the "Deleted" page

  • Fix the "Delete" modal

  • Fixed: after the user has encrypted the file, the top Encrypt button does not disappear

  • Change metadata link for a tokenized file

  • Fixed: share link is not updated when switching between files with the sidebar open

  • Fixed: the Guest has access to file operations from the file view window

  • Fixed: error when downloading multiple files shared via a link

  • Fixed error for file shared via token

  • Fixed: downloads only the last folder when downloading multiple folders

  • Fixed: the "Show" button works incorrectly for the uploaded folder

  • Fixed: no "Cancel" button when uploading the folder

  • Fixed: the download process is not completed after logging out of the account

  • Fixed: create "Link" doesn't work

  • Fixed: the dark loader is displayed when reloading the page on the light theme

  • Fixed: update the "Security layers" page after activated or deactivated options

beta 2.0.13 (31.10.23)

  • Update the functionalities for uploading and reading NFT metadata

  • Fixed: Error while re-sharing a file for a Multisig workspace

  • Block workspace settings for member

  • Fixed: refresh token issue

  • Optimized the format of the link used for user sharing

  • Fixed: unathorised user cannot view a folder shared by link

  • Fixed error on Notifications request

  • Update: List view / Grid view element

  • Update MultiSig option: ability to change the value of holders during the current open vote beta 2.0.12 (24.10.23)

  • Fixed: free WorkSpace can be overflowed from the allowable volume

  • Fixed: the user is duplicated after re-adding to the Multisig contract

  • Improvement: Multisig cancel request

  • Fixed: files cannot be deleted again after the owner deletion process is canceled

  • Fixed: the smart contract is not terminated after receiving the required number of signatures

  • Update email stylization

  • Fixed: crash page after editing Multi-sig contract

  • Fixed: incorrect public address after an invitation on the user page

  • Fixed: the file-sharing action is immediately rejected

  • Fixed: repeat request for file action if an error occurred during the action

  • Improvement: new folder display style when there are nested images

  • Fixed: error uploading files to empty workspaces

  • Fixed: error after tokenizing a file

  • Fixed: The owner has an error for the folder uploaded by the member

  • Fixed: system crashes when IP is unknown

  • Fixed: error when permanently deleting a file as an owner

beta 2.0.11 (16.10.23)

  • Update the tokenization menu for a file

  • Add the ability to see the public address of the member

  • Add the ability to edit a MultiSig contract as a member

  • Add a correct error message when a non-multi-sig member uploads a file

  • Fixed: files are not encrypted when added to the queue

  • Optimization of uploading files to different folders at the same time was carried out

  • Fixed: the "deleted" folder does not count towards space usage

  • Fixed: regular users cannot join to Multisig workspace

  • Improvement: deactivate the "View status" modal for the file after canceling a Multisig operation

  • Fixed: users registered via MetaMask do not receive free tokens

  • Fixed: no check for tokens available when encrypting a file from the context menu or preview screen

  • Add an unshare option to the sidebar menu

  • Update Multisig modals

  • Change unshare notifications

  • Add actual time limits to the working time management settings

  • Fix smart contract data update

beta 2.0.10 (10.10.23)

  • Add cancel request option to MultiSig

  • Fix wallet connection to account

  • Improve payment logic

  • Fix the issue where the "Add member" field is not cleared after inviting a member by token

  • Fix the parallel upload issue during consecutive multi-file selections

  • Added sending an email with an invitation to the workspace when invited by a public address

  • Fixed: no sorting parameters are sent in the file request for a newly created workspace

  • Fix the upload progress for uploading a folder

  • Fixed: unable to invite five default members if additional members were purchased

  • Fix the web application crash when uploading files in MultiSig workыpace

  • Fixed: transaction to edit a smart contract in the MATIС network failed

  • Change the number of characters for the field "Owner name" for the Multisig modal

  • Fixed: change the number of characters for the field "Owner name" for the Multisig modal

  • Block the "3 dots" menu for members with multi-sig on the member's page

  • Update email stylization

  • Updated error message when the user uses the wrong wallet

beta 2.0.9 (02.10.23)

  • New feature: MultiSig

  • Fixed: the "Uploading Files" menu does not display a "failed" for files that have not been uploaded

  • Fixed the issue where file upload continued after cancellation in the upload menu

  • Improvement: filter for file types

  • New feature: filter files by color

  • Fixed: workspace does not update information about the state of free space after file operations

  • Add a notification if the user uploads a file over 2GB

  • Fixed: no parameters are saved for "Encrypted files" popup

  • Improvement: start registration flow automatically if login flow shows that the user does not exist

  • Fixed: incorrect space calculation in Workspace

  • Fix the document filter inside the folder and empty the color filter everywhere

beta 2.0.8 (19.09.23)

  • Fixed: Search functionality issue with spaces in the query

  • Fix the error when a registered user logs in via the invite link

  • Fixed: Search doesn't find files after restoring from the trash

  • Change the display size of the space for the "Free" subscription

  • Fix the error when connecting a wallet to an account

  • Fix the issue when the file does not open via a public link for an authorized user

  • Fix the crash during file tokenization

  • Fixed: Incorrect percentage display of workspace space usage on free accounts

  • Deploy smart contracts to Ethereum

beta 2.0.7 (11.09.23)

  • Fix the incorrect status of encrypted images after uploading

  • Fix the "Working Time Management" modal for Workspace

  • Fix the issue that the workspace does not return after clearing the search

  • Fix the error when editing an avatar to a 3D avatar

  • Improvement: built-in video downloader

  • Fix the issue that workspace avatar disappears after changing the name

  • Added missing translations to Chinese

  • Fix storing and fetching encrypted file keys

beta 2.0.6 (04.09.23)

  • Fix the issue with the encryption popup

  • Fix the error when changing the email for the user

  • Improve the upload cancellation process

  • Fix the error occurring when a user attempts to purchase a Workspace from a member or guest's Workspace

  • Fix the workspace logo after first load/reload page

  • Fixed: Occupied storage size not displayed for workspaces

  • Fix UI breadcrumbs panel component

  • Unable to upload files after the storage upgrade if the free space was previously used

  • Added missing Chinese translation

  • Update Workspace name validation

  • Fix the error that occurred when an authorized user opened a shared link

  • Fix page crashes after opening the 'Move' popup

beta 2.0.5 (28.08.23)

  • Improvement: Adding Indonesian and Filipino languages

  • Fix displaying member logos on the members page

  • Fix displaying thumbs in the folder for shared users

  • Fix the issue with the 'shared by link' screen in dark mode

  • The problem with viewing PDF files larger than 1 MB has been resolved

  • Implement style changes to email templates

  • Fix file loading during fast scrolling

  • Added the required background to the security settings pop-ups

  • Fix the interface display when submitting a bug report

  • Fix the thumbnail display issue for files that were converted

  • Fix the content display after converting a file from PDF to DOC/DOCX format

  • Improvement: Implemented a new style for the loading process

  • Resolved a problem that was stopping users from joining a workspace

  • Fix an issue with accessing tokenized files

beta 2.0.4 (21.08.23)

  • Fix the issue of holders list displaying in the sidebar

  • New Feature. File Conversion

  • Fix upload progress bar

  • Fix the view of members page in dark mode

  • Fix the issue of doc sharing files via a link for unauthorized users

  • Fix the error after generating pictures using AI

  • Fix the error of uploading a logo to workspace

  • Improvement. File downloading using chunks

beta 2.0.3 (14.08.23)

  • Fix deleting all shared items

  • Fix sharing of encrypted files

  • Automatic logout at the specified time has been fixed

  • Fix workspace search

  • Fix crashing the click on the "3 dots" menu by a member in Workspace

  • Fix the notification when the owner invites a web3 member

  • Improvement. Object sorting

  • Create direct link to update workspace

  • Add email notification to members when sharing files and folders

  • Add the filters to Image to image ai generator

  • Fix UI of upload popup

  • Fix adaptive view for security settings sidebar

beta 2.0.2 (07.08.23)

  • Improvement. Restore file flow

  • Fix close button in notification

  • Fix adaptive view of smart contract screen

  • Fix adaptive view of file preview

  • Fix issue when opening a shared workspace

  • Fix crashing the Guest page when link is blocked

  • Fix issue with multi download

  • Error with image tokenization has been fixed

  • Fix displaying number of objects inside deleted folder

  • Fix the view of thumbnail after renaming the file

  • Improvement. Change price for text-to-image generation

  • Improvement. Update style for email templates

  • Fix the issue: documents do not show up from shared links for authorized users

  • Fix the issue that the deleted file remains pinned to the folder

beta 2.0.1 (31.08.23)

  • Fix the crashing the billing the page

  • Fix the issue where modal window opens after adding a tag for the link

  • Fix the issue where the document content does not appear in the preview

  • Fix the issue where sharing a file is lost after moving it from a folder

  • Fix the notifications view (when the user hovers over it with the mouse)

  • Fix thumbnails for encrypted files

  • Fix the sharing link for file via NFT key

  • Fix file preview by NFT key

  • Fix “CTRL + A” files selection when right side bar is open

  • The issue with large video files not playing in preview mode has been resolved

  • The issue that the profile avatar and Workspace avatar are not displayed or loaded has been resolved

  • Fix the issue with the sharing via link for authorized users

  • Fix the preview for encrypted image files

  • Fix the encryption functionality for .zip Files

  • Switch enter workspaces issue has been resolved

  • Fix the encryption functionality for .mp4 files

  • Fix the issue with downloading of encrypted files

  • Fix the guest page crash if file link is blocked

Last updated